Holy Eucharist
The Eucharist, or Communion, is both a sacrifice and a meal. We believe in the real presence of Jesus, who died for our sins. Holy Communion is the act of receiving the real presence of Jesus Christ's body and blood, transubstantiated from the bread and wine during Mass. As we receive Christ’s Body and Blood, we also are nourished spiritually and brought closer to God.
Sacrament of the Eucharist
What would make us worthy to receive Holy Communion? Simple answer: nothing. We are never worthy of so great a gift. But here’s the exciting part: God offers us this great sacrament freely. So why...
What is Catholicism
The Meaning of the Eucharist
As a little girl, when I prepared for my First Holy Communion I learned that Jesus was present in the bread and wine. But for many years, I would go to mass and go through the motions Sunday after...
Personal Faith